The Webinar Mastermind

A Webinar System for Coaches, Consultants, and Professionals Designed to Add $100,000+/Year

Can One Webinar Change Your Business and Your Life?

From: Jon Schumacher,
Creator of The Webinar Mastermind

What would it mean to your life and business if you had a webinar that every time you delivered it, you made sales? Not just a couple, but 10, 20, 50, or even 100 sales each time you go live.

What would that do for your business? How would that change your life?

Webinars have the power to transform businesses.

They allow you to showcase your expertise, build trust, and convert interested prospects into paying clients—all in one seamless presentation.

But creating a webinar that achieves these results isn't just about throwing together some slides and talking for an hour.

It's about crafting a high-converting presentation that speaks directly to your audience's needs and desires. It’s also about building systems around your winning webinar to grow your business consistently.

Introducing The Webinar Mastermind

Welcome to The Webinar Mastermind—a 12-month coaching program designed to help coaches, consultants, and service professionals like you, create, optimize, and scale webinars that consistently bring in customers and clients.

The goal is to add $100,000 or more to your annual revenue while working fewer hours, giving you the financial freedom and business growth you desire.

This isn’t just another course; it’s a comprehensive, hands-on program that guides you through every step of the process, ensuring you have a webinar that not only captivates but converts.

With our expert coaching, personalized feedback, and a community of like-minded professionals, you’ll have everything you need to succeed.

Are you ready to harness the power of webinars and take your business to the next level? Join The Webinar Mastermind today and start your journey toward scaling your life-changing webinar.

Why Join The Webinar Mastermind?

Create High Conversions

You’ll create a high-converting webinar that consistently brings you, customers, and clients.

Coaching That’s Personalized

We put our expert eyes on your slides, your presentation, and your entire webinar so you’re hitting all the main points of success.

Fast Expert Reviews

We look over your shoulder every step of the way giving you timely feedback and tips to take your webinar to the next level.

Submit Your Slides for Our Review

Receive 10 personalized reviews of your presentation slides and recordings over the next 12 months.

Submit Your Emails and Funnel Pages

Get customized reviews of your emails and funnel pages when you need them.

Coaches with Diverse Industry Experience

Every industry is different—different pricing, different calls to action, and different strategies that work. We’ve worked on webinars across a wide range of industries in everything from coaching to real estate, to B2B sales, to soft skills like life coaching. We can make sure your webinar converts regardless of industry providing specific nuances that make all the difference.

Learn in a Safe Environment

You’ll join a group of like-minded people all working on their webinars. Practice your presentation with others in a safe environment. Get real-time feedback and accountability.

Market and Fill Your Webinars

Learn five different ways to market and fill your webinar with ideal buyers. Depending on your situation we may use email marketing, warm/cold outreach, JV partnerships, social media, or paid ads to fill up your webinars with hot buyers.

Access to AI Tools, Courses, Templates, and Scripts

Gain instant access to a client portal that has all the AI tools, scripts, and templates you need to create or optimize your webinar faster than ever.

Let’s Grow Your Coaching or Consulting Business!

How is this delivered?

Weekly 90-minute Zoom with teaching, coaching, and feedback

Get weekly 90-minute small group strategy sessions with (Jon and Tyler) for hot seat coaching and feedback from the group. Bring your top challenges or questions about your offer, your webinar presentation, your lead strategies, and more.

Submit your slides/emails/pages for review

At your convenience, you can submit your slides, emails, or any marketing asset, and have us record a Loom video to help you optimize your marketing materials with specific feedback. You’ll get 10 submissions per year and we strive to get back to you within 48 business hours.

Answer your questions between sessions

In between coaching sessions, you can submit questions to be answered by your coaches. We strive to get back within 48 business hours.

Webinar Mastermind Training Portal

Gain instant access to a full training portal complete with tutorials, templates, AI tools, slide decks, email scripts & more that allow you to create and implement at your own pace.

Private Community for JVs and Colabs

Get access to a 24/7 community so you can practice your presentation skills, JV with other members, or get feedback from like-minded peers. You are encouraged to find a support buddy in the program to keep you focused and accountable.

What Specific Steps Will We Take?

Below is a Roadmap of The Webinar Mastermind Client Journey:

A Webinar System for Coaches, Consultants, and Professionals Designed to Add $100,000+/Year

Phase 1: Design (Up to 8 Weeks)

During Phase 1, we’ll focus on creating or optimizing BOTH your offer and your webinar funnel. The goal is to have you host your next webinar in less than 8 weeks, bring in 2-20+ new buyers, and more than pay for your investment in this program.

  • Create or Improve Your Offer
  • Create or Improve Your Presentation
  • Host Your Webinar and Bring in 2-20+ New Buyers

Phase 2: Optimize (1-2 Months)

In Phase 2, we’ll analyze your results, identify further conversion opportunities, install strategies to increase attendance, and rehost your optimized webinar funnel.

  • Optimize Your Webinar Funnel
  • Optimize Your Lead Generation to Increase Attendance
  • Rehost Your Optimized Webinar

Phase 3: Scale (6-8 Months)

Phase 3 is where things get fun. During this phase, we focus on SCALE. We’ll help you set up a SYSTEM for hosting regular webinars and leveraging JVs and other traffic systems to scale up the number of registrations you get for each webinar you host. Now that you have a winning webinar system, it’s simply a matter of getting MORE leads to your webinar. More leads equal more sales and more revenue for your business.

  • Scale Your Winning Webinar (Host Multiple Webinars)
  • Scale Your Traffic (More Leads and Registrations)
  • Scale Your Sales (More Clients and Customers)

Phase 4: Automate (Ongoing)

Phase 4 is about AUTOMATION. Adding an automated webinar to your business is a very high-leverage way to generate more leads and sales on autopilot. Imagine making sales or generating sales calls while you sleep, eat, or spend time with your family!

  • Automate Your Webinar Funnel for Passive Income
  • Automate Your Traffic Systems
  • Make Money and Generate Leads While You Sleep

What’s the Investment?

The investment for The Webinar Mastermind is 1k/month for 12 months or you can purchase 12 months upfront for 10k (save $2,000).

The Webinar Mastermind is a 12-month program with a 90-day, love-it-or-leave-it promise. If for any reason, before 90 days, you don’t love being a member of The Webinar Mastermind, you can stop your membership and payments.

Start Your Application Here!

So you’re ready to apply. Awesome! Here’s how that works…

You’ll click on “Apply Here” below.

You’ll reach a calendar page where you will request your 45-minute Decision Call.

You will then be directed to a short questionnaire that you must fill out in order to complete your application.

We’ll then have your 45-minute call to confirm we are a fit.

What Others Say About Working Together

"The quality of leads that I have gotten from my last webinar have been quite good. I have loved working with you and the group and feel I have grown quite a bit in my webinar skills. Thank you so much."

Jill Avey

Women’s Leadership Coach

"Hi Jon! I hope all is well with you and your family. I wanted to update you on how my evergreen webinar is going. In a nutshell, I am overwhelmed with clients at the moment. 🙏 The first two months were slow and required tweaking until we identified which ad did better than others. I am spending $500 monthly for the company managing the ads, and my ad budget is capped at $750 a month. I am, on average, selling two packages in the range of $16,000-$18,000 a month, which is fantastic for me. Thank you for everything!"

Sherrine Washington

Sales Expert for Dentists

"Just a huge thank you. I did a webinar presentation with your webinar formula this morning using the AI and got a 25% close rate with realtors. Normally, I get 10% if I am lucky. Can't wait to share the presentation with you and get your feedback on what I can improve. Realtors are the hardest group. I am going to send out the recording and see if I can increase that number. I appreciate your brilliance. I finally am learning to stop teaching."

Rhonda Sher

LinkedIn Trainer

"I hired Jon to help me with my webinar set up because prior to working with him, I only "sold" to a sales conversation and not to an actual product. Without utilizing all of his tools and resources (but utilizing many of them!), I sold 21 spots into my new offer of $1,997."

Krista Martin

CEO, Make Your Mark®

"I recently joined the Webinar Launchpad and was thrilled with how the AI and webinar frameworks made the process so much easier. The framework gave me the focus and clarity I needed to create a cohesive and engaging presentation quickly.

After completing the course, I hosted my first webinar, and it was a huge success! I had 141 people register, and 9 of them made a purchase at $2,000 each. The Webinar Launchpad process really helped me put the right things together for a successful webinar."

Gayle Morrison

Marketing Consultant

"I have struggled with creating a truly effective and professional webinar. Thank you so much for your Webinar Launchpad 3.0 Jon."

When it comes to creating and promoting webinars, your webinar launchpad is one of the most useful and valuable courses I have ever taken (and I have taken bunches of courses over the years). For me, your course is a game (and life) changer!

Thank you so much, Jon".

David Michaels

Founder and owner of

"We’ve done 2 webinars and they’ve gone really well! Your process has served us well and I’m excited to share results so far."

David Lynn

Managing Partner @ Ci2 Advisors

"Jon's guidance has dramatically boosted how I conduct direct sales webinars. Using his expert strategies, I was able to make back my investment in his program with just one webinar. His advice for expanding the reach and engaging audiences more effectively has given me the essentials for my continued business growth."

Susan Friedmann

Founder Aviva Publishing

"A shout-out to Jon Schumacher who explained how to “Netflix” prospects. Since we implemented Jon's system, the quality of our prospects skyrocketed and tier-kickers almost disappeared. Thank you, Jon! We're now able to run a smooth and efficient operation."

Alinka Rutkowska

CEO of Leaders Press

"I was hoping at least 5 awesome entrepreneurs would ask to book a Discovery Session but with the help of Jon Schumacher, I’ve booked 46 entrepreneurs, and so far two thirds are asking to work together! Happily stunned, and it looks like I will need to create a wait list. If you’re looking to hire a business coach, Jon knows his stuff!"

David Wood

Executive Coach and Founder of Focus.Ceo

"When I need to improve my webinars, whether it’s to get more registrations, increase attendance, improve conversion rates or anything else, Jon is my go-to expert. I applied what Jon teaches about how to structure your webinar content in order to get more sales and it made a huge difference. After just one attempt at restructuring using Jon’s method I went from a conversion rate of less than 2% to just over 5%!"

Andrew Hubbard

Digital Marketing Thought Leader & International Speaker

"It took a year from the time I met Jon until the stars aligned for us to work together. He provided an audit of an existing webinar. Jon delivered a lot of value in a short timeframe. If you want a shortcut to webinar success, you found the right guy."

Noah Rosenfarb

CPA, Investor, Principal at Freedom Wealth Advisors LLC

"My Name is Ernie Delgado, the Co-Founder and CEO of Beyond Technology Education based out of Los Angeles California. My team and I were using webinars to generate thousands of leads for our company but knew we could be using webinars more effectively. We were spending too much valuable time manually following up and didn’t have a consistent system in place to close more clients.

We found Jon Schumacher, who was listed as a trusted resource through a successful company’s website and immediately booked a call with him. Shortly after, we hired him.

Jon helped us drastically improve our webinar and website lead generation funnels. We implemented some pre-webinar lead generation strategies that helped bring in a large number of high dollar leads. He also showed us how to create automated systems to streamline the process. So much time is now being saved and I wake up to qualified appointments already booked on my calendar. As a result of working with Jon, we now have an automated lead generation funnel that books our sales team with qualified leads without the manual follow up we did before."

Ernie Delgado

Co-Founder and CEO of Beyond Technology Education

"My Name is D'vorah Graeser, the Founder and CEO of KISSPatent, a fast growing patent and trademark company with offices in the US, Europe and Israel. My team and I wanted to start using webinars to attract more clients and improve our online client acquisition systems but we weren’t sure where to start.

We hired Jon Schumacher, after finding him through a Google Search, to help us build a series of webinars and optimize our marketing funnels. Jon was brilliant to work with. Very professional and punctual, Jon guided us step by step to create two webinars to sell our patent and trademark services. He also helped us signiifcantly improve our sales funnel.

As a result of working with Jon, we now have a webinar program that is increasing our visibility and generating leads, and a sales funnel that grows our database and brings us clients. If you’re thinking of working with Jon, go ahead and book a call with him to discuss your project. I can’t recommend him enough."

D'vorah Graeser

Founder and CEO of KISSPatent

Went from $60,000 per webinar to $110,000 during his next webinar after making a few tweaks that I recommended.

David Newman, Founder of Do It! Marketing

Was hoping for 5 quality leads but ended up with 46 after Jon Schumacher audited his application funnel.

David Wood, Executive Coach and Founder of Focus.Ceo

Doubled her business.

Holly Chantal, Business and Messaging Coach

Nearly tripled the number of deals she closed by optimizing her sales systems.

Alinka Rutkowska, CEO of Leadspress

Over $400,000 in New Sales Using My Sales System.

Raleigh Latham, CMO Soil Foodweb School

5x the Number of Sales in His Webinar Follow Up.

Aaron Lebauer, Healthcare Consultant and CEO of Lebauer Consulting

Built a 7-figure Business.

Donna Kozik, Creator of Write a Book in a Weekend

Had a 6x ROI on her ad spend selling her coaching program.

Fabienne Raphaël, Business Consultant

Worked together on webinar copywriting projects that had good success.

Kameron Snow, Copywriter and Marketing Expert

Former Client Danielle Leslie Has Sold More Than $10M in Online Programs

Created a High-Ticket Funnel That Added Multiple 6-Figures.

Navid Moazzez, CEO and Founder of Virtual Summit Mastery

From 10k per month to more than $30k per month using an automated webinar.

Stephen Leung, Founder of Marketing Tip HK

Meet Your Instructors

Jon Schumacher

Creator of The Webinar Mastermind

Jon Schumacher specializes in webinars and online events that convert. He primarily works with coaches and consultants helping them craft their best sales message and sell more of their programs and courses.

Jon has worked with over 300 clients across 30+ industries and more than 2,000 students have gone through his webinar training programs.

Jon is the host of the world’s largest online sales webinar conference, the Webinar Mastery Summit, which has had more than 13,000 attendees worldwide.

Tyler Basu

Head Coach at The Webinar Mastermind

As the former Content Marketing Manager at Thinkific, Tyler has created and hosted dozens of webinars and online workshops over the past decade. He’s created hundreds of content pieces that have reached millions around the world. 

Tyler is an expert at helping coaches and consultants with their webinars and marketing events.

Tyler has shared his insights on dozens of online publications and podcasts including Entrepreneur, Foundr, Influencive, Funnel Magazine, Conscious Millionaire, Nice Guys On Business, Create Your Own Life, and Publishing Profits.

Have Questions About The Program?
Below Are Some Common Questions And Answers:

Do I need to have a webinar to join?

You don’t need an existing webinar presentation to join. We will create one together. If you do, great, we can help you optimize it.

Do I need to have an existing online program to join?

It is preferred you have an existing coaching or consulting program that you can sell on your webinar. If you have previous experience selling online programs and want to launch a new one, we can make an exception there.

When are the live coaching sessions and what if I can’t attend?

The live coaching sessions are on Wednesdays at 9 am PST/12 pm EST. They will go for about 90 minutes. If you can’t make a session, they will be recorded and added to the learning portal for you to review at your convenience.

How many hours per week will I devote to this?

I recommend you devote around 3-4 hours per week to successfully implement this program and launch your new webinar within a 6-8 week period. This time includes the weekly 90-minute call on Zoom. The rest of the training materials you can access when it's best for you and can be done at your own pace.

What are your payment options?

You can get started for 1k/month for 12 months or a one-time investment of 10k, saving you $2,000. If you continue beyond the 12 months, you’ll be grandfathered in at the current investment level.

What’s the refund policy?

The Webinar Mastermind is a 12-month program with a 90-day, love-it-or-leave-it promise. If for any reason, before 90 days, you don’t love being a member of The Webinar Mastermind, you can stop your membership and payments. There are no refunds for previous payments.